[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl Berry) writes:

> Maybe we should just drop the text about '...' and "...", as it's kind
> of implied.  Thus:
>   In the C locale, GNU programs should stick to plain ASCII for
>   quotation characters in messages to users: preferably 0x60 (`) for
>   left quotes and 0x27 (') for right quotes.  It is ok, but not
>   required, to use locale-specific quotes in other locales.

Yes, I like that.  It's simple and to the point.

In rereading
<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnulib/2005-06/msg00096.html> I
noticed one other minor wording problem.  This line:

However, Latin1 is still not universally usable.

is not properly linked to the preceding text (which discusses a
problem with Latin1).  I suggest changing "However" to "Moreover".

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