On 04/03/2018 11:45 PM, Bruno Haible wrote:
> Eric Blake wrote:
>> What are the clang developers using as their justification
>> for this warning?
> Quoting the clang documentation [1]:
>   "-fsanitize=unsigned-integer-overflow:
>    Unsigned integer overflows. Note that unlike signed integer overflow,
>    unsigned integer is not undefined behavior. However, while it has well-
>    defined semantics, it is often unintentional, so UBSan offers to catch it."
> Bruno
> [1] https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html

Thanks for looking into it.

To squeeze out as many potential bugs from my applications, I turn all
sanitizer options on. Then I reduce false positives by tagging the code
parts / functions. A bit like deduction.

The bad thing with clang is that I can't tag the calling function (in my
application) but have to set the attribute for the function that
triggers (in gnulib).

Gnulib is made to serve app/lib developers. And reducing false positives
 would be of great help to reduce time spent into securing code that
uses gnulib. But I understand if you deny to that on the gnulib's side -
you would possibly open a can of worms.

Regards, Tim

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