Hi Aron,

> > My goal is to compile the findutils by supplying the BSD's getfsstat() API 
> > to get mountlist.

The configuration of the gnulib 'mountlist' module (used by findutils
and coreutils, among others) is written in such a way that on OpenBSD
it uses the getmntinfo() function
which, according to this manual page, invokes getfsstat().

Why would you make it call getfsstat() directly?

> > a) Why the configure use a different type name?

That test is not meant to succeed on OpenBSD. As the comments
indicate, it's there for OSF/1 and Darwin.

> > c) Is this branch of the configure still maintained, or it is abandoned? 
> > The related code that use this API is also still maintained?

It is maintained in gnulib, module 'mountlist'.


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