Bruno Haible wrote:

I have a situation with clang's 'lld-link' linker
in Wget2 where the symbol 'crc32()' in Gnulib is called
instead of the correct symbol 'crc32()' in Zlib.

Are you sure the symbol that is called comes from gnulib?
The only references to 'crc32' in gnulib are in the module 'crc',
and this module is not used by any other module in gnulib nor by
by wget2 [1].

Hello Bruno. Sorry for the delay, but Google moved
your reply to the Spam-folder!?

First, I admit I did build and use Gnulib in an
non-official way; a static-lib of *all* Gnulib functions:
  nm --defined-only gnulib-vc.lib | grep ' T _crc32'
  00000000 T _crc32
  00000040 T _crc32_no_xor
  00000020 T _crc32_update
  00000060 T _crc32_update_no_xor

But the issue I had while building Wget2 (with '-DWITH_ZLIB');
when compiling using 'clang-cl' and linking with
MSVC's 'link', there is no problem with any .lib order.
From the
   0001:000dfcb0   _crc32    004e0cb0 f   zlib:crc32.obj

But using 'lld-link' instead, and with 'gnulib-vc.lib'
ahead of 'zlib.lib', the has this:
  lld-link: Loaded zlib.lib(crc32.obj) for _crc32
  lld-link: Loaded gnulib-vc.lib(crc.obj) for _crc32

Wget2 will use the latter '_crc32' and crash at run-time:
  wget2!crc32_update_no_xor(unsigned int crc = 0xffffffff,
   char * buf = 0x00000000 "", unsigned int len = 0xd7bcd10)+0x24

  wget2!crc32_update(unsigned int crc = 0, char * buf = 0x00000000 "",
    unsigned int len = 0xd7bcd10)+0x17

  wget2!crc32(char * buf = 0x00000000 "", unsigned int len = 0xd7bcd10)+0x12
  wget2!inflate(struct z_stream_s * strm = 0x0d2dd530, int flush = 0n2)+0x111
   wget2!gzip_decompress(struct wget_decompressor_st * dc = <Value unavailable 
   char * src = <Value unavailable error>, unsigned int srclen = <Value 
unavailable error>)+0x42

But linking with 'zlib.lib' first, there is no problem.

Hence my request to rename those symbols to 'gl_crc32' etc.

Can you show what the machine code of the called function looks like?

Dis-asm of Zlib's crc32.obj:
        push            ebp
        mov             ebp,esp
        push            ecx
        mov             dword ptr -0x4[ebp],0xcccccccc
        cmp             dword ptr 0xc[ebp],0x00000000
        jne             X$1
        xor             eax,eax
        jmp             X$8
        mov             eax,0x00000001
        test            eax,eax
        je              X$3
        mov             dword ptr -0x4[ebp],0x00000001
        movzx           ecx,byte ptr -0x4[ebp]

Dis-asm of Gnulib's crc.obj is something else:
        push            ebp
        mov             ebp,esp
        mov             eax,0xc[ebp]
        push            eax
        mov             ecx,0x8[ebp]
        push            ecx
        push            0x00000000
        call            _crc32_update
        add             esp,0x0000000c
        pop             ebp


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