Florian Weimer wrote:
> int sign4 (long n1, long n2)
> {
>   return (char) ((n1 > n2) - (n1 < n2));
> }
> It's one instruction shorter on x86-64 than sign3, but it's worse on
> other architectures.

Yes. In particular with floating-point numbers (and GCC 5), when I compare

int sign3 (double n1, double n2)
  return (n1 > n2) - (n1 < n2);

int sign4 (double n1, double n2)
  return (signed char) ((n1 > n2) - (n1 < n2));

the code of sign4 contains conditional jumps that the code of sign3 does not
have, on mips, mips64, s390x.


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