Hi Arnold,

> I happened to notice that regex has been updated with new, er, stuff.
> Dropping the code into gawk, including copying over attribute.h,
> dynarray.h and malloc/*, doesn't work. Compilation chokes.

Saying "Compilation chokes" is not constructive. You cannot expect that
Paul or I will set up the same code base as you are working on. At a
minimum, you need to show the compilation error that you got. Like in
every bug report:
  - Tell what you did (in detail).
  - Tell what results you got (in detail).

> Running gnulibtool on gawk isn't the direction I want to go, either...

Then you need to look at the *.m4 macros that accompany the respective
code files that you have copied. Remember that Gnulib modules consist
of more than C code [1]. If you do gnulib-tool's job of assembling the
pieces manually, you need to consider the *.m4 files as well.


[1] https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/manual/html_node/Writing-modules.html

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