Dima Psechnik wrote:
> We are in fact having a fight now over whether to check in the
> iconv pieces produced by gnulib-tool into the source tree, or call 
> gnulib-tool at bootstrap.
> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/34152

OK, now let's talk about the actual problem at hand.

I won't jump into the discussion there, because
  - it's already a very long thread,
  - I don't know what an "SPKG" is,
  - I don't know about the preferred habits in the sagemath dev community.

But there I read:
> $ du -sh config/config.rpath m4/lib-*.m4 m4/iconv.m4 m4/host-cpu-c-abi.m4
>  20K  config/config.rpath
> 8.0K  m4/lib-ld.m4
>  36K  m4/lib-link.m4
>  12K  m4/lib-prefix.m4
>  12K  m4/iconv.m4
>  24K  m4/host-cpu-c-abi.m4

Yes, these is currently the list of files needed for AM_ICONV.

> It's some kind of a weird tradition of jumping through hoops to get
> config.rpath

If you need only a few files from Gnulib, the common approach is
to invoke either gnulib-tool (if present, indicated through an
environment variable GNULIB_SRCDIR that the user can set) or
fetch the files from the git repository one by one.

To fetch only config.rpath:

for file in build-aux/config.rpath; do
  if test -n "$GNULIB_SRCDIR" && test -d "$GNULIB_SRCDIR"; then
    "GNULIB_SRCDIR/gnulib-tool" --copy-file $file $file
    wget -q --timeout=5 -O $file.tmp "${GNULIB_REPO_URL}$file" \
      && mv $file.tmp $file

To fetch all 6 files:

for file in build-aux/config.rpath m4/lib-ld.m4 m4/lib-link.m4 m4/lib-prefix.m4 
m4/iconv.m4 m4/host-cpu-c-abi.m4; do
  if test -n "$GNULIB_SRCDIR" && test -d "$GNULIB_SRCDIR"; then
    "GNULIB_SRCDIR/gnulib-tool" --copy-file $file $file
    wget -q --timeout=5 -O $file.tmp "${GNULIB_REPO_URL}$file" \
      && mv $file.tmp $file

This is the quick solution, which minimizes network traffic. But it is not
future-proof: At any moment, some more files may become needed, due to
changes in the *.m4 files. The future-proof solution is to download
the gnulib git repository (shallow, if you want) and run
  $GNULIB_SRCDIR/gnulib-tool [OPTIONS] --import iconv

> I don't quite understand the relationship between automake, gettext, and
> gnutools here. Is AM_ICONV even meant to work without gnulib?
> Or is it a libtool bug?

AM_ICONV is documented in two places:
- https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/AM_005fICONV.html
- https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/MODULES.html#module=iconv

The consumption as a gnulib module is meant to be easier than through
gettext. A lot of work has been put into gnulib to make such a consumption
easy; gettext (autopoint) lags behind in this aspect.

> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gettext/2011-10/msg00012.html

Already in 2011, if you need only AM_ICONV, the gnulib module 'iconv'
was the better choice.

> config.rpath (in gnulib) appears to be an orphan.

No. It is maintained in gnulib, as you can see from the commit history.

> (Does gettext misappropriate prefixes AM_ and
> AC_ for its macros, making an impression that they are from autotools?)

Yes, the prefix AM_ here is a mistake. It should better be gl_. But
changing it now would cause more annoyance than benefit.


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