Hi Bruno,

I think that the test-coreutils-1.sh test is missing --local-dir=gl.
Was this intentional? From test-coreutils-1.err:

$ cat test-coreutils-1.err 
gnulib-tool: warning: module buffer-lcm doesn't exist
gnulib-tool: warning: module cl-strtod doesn't exist
gnulib-tool: warning: module cl-strtold doesn't exist

It seems that gnulib-tool.sh will continue importing things after
these error messages, which is why I think you may have missed it.
gnulib-tool.py fails in an ugly manner:

gnulib-tool: warning: file targetdir does not exist
gnulib-tool: warning: file xdectoint does not exist
gnulib-tool: warning: file xfts does not exist
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/pygnulib/main.py", line 1341, in <module>
  File "/home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/pygnulib/main.py", line 914, in main
    filetable, transformers = importer.prepare()
  File "/home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/pygnulib/GLImport.py", line 864, in 
    final_modules = self.moduletable.transitive_closure(base_modules)
  File "/home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/pygnulib/GLModuleSystem.py", line 921, 
in transitive_closure
    raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance, not %s'
TypeError: each module must be a GLModule instance, not NoneType

When passing --local-dir=gl to gnulib-tool.sh and gnulib-tool.py they
seem to fail the test case similarly to each other, which seems like a
good sign :). This is done in bootstrap.conf for coreutils:

$ ./bootstrap --skip-po
./bootstrap: Bootstrapping from checked-out coreutils sources...
./bootstrap: autopoint --force
./bootstrap: /home/collin/.local/src/gnulib/gnulib-tool      --no-changelog     
--aux-dir=build-aux     --doc-base=doc     --lib=libcoreutils     --m4-base=m4/ 
    --source-base=lib/     --tests-base=tests     --local-dir=gl     
--tests-base=gnulib-tests --with-tests --symlink --makefile-name=gnulib.mk 
     --import ...


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