I wondered why GNUnet didn't get anything done, until I finally realized
that I have [EMAIL PROTECTED] running in the background. Now, Folding is a batch
job, and so consumes all CPU power available; this is not a problem, since
I've set it to nice 20, so it doesn't interfere with the rest of the system,
which is running on nice 0.

Enter CPU limiter. Since CPU utilization is constantly at 100%, and thus
over the default limit of 50%, GNUnet scales down its CPU use. Of course
this doesn't accomplish anything, since the freed CPU cycles will simply be
used by Folding, keeping CPU usage at 100% and causing GNUnet to back off
even more. Of course the exact same will happen with any batch job, such as
a long-running compilation, and at every limit under 100%. So I cranked it
up to 101% and reniced gnunetd to level 10, after which it began working

Please drop the CPU limiter and use the OS scheduler priority/nice level
instead. That not only gets rid of this bug, but also leads to less impact
on latency. Or at least have a way - preferably compile-time - of completely
disabling the CPU limiter.
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