Hi Georg,

I am having the same drawing problems, where sometimes parts of a window
is missing (e.g. in the Box test of GSTest). So any solution to this
would be fine. I had a look at your clipping code and did not quite
understand it. Your code seems to add another stack to the graphics
context, while we already use a stack for the gstates, which should be
handling the clipping as well. I don't think that we should introduce a
new PS call for this functionality, it should already be possible to
implement this by correcting our current code. 

First of all [NSView lockFocusInRect:] looks wrong. It only uses the
given rect to set the clipping when there is no gstate for the current
view. This are, as far as I see it, two independent operations, the
gstate of the view must have its clipping set to the extend of the view
and for each new lock focus we must restrict the clipping to the current
rectangle. Perhaps solving this would make your problem disappear. If
not the problem is with the gstate itself and we should have a closer
look on this.


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