Enrico Sersale wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Stéphane PERON  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am under WindowMaker 0.7 with Xfree4.
> >
> > When I put a Gnustep window in the top left corner of the root screen,
> > at each launching of the concerned application, the window is moving
> > left.
> >
> > Do it ten times and you will notice the window moving.
> > Do you have this bug too ?
> >
> >
> > Bye
> >
> > Stef
> Yes, it seems that, hiding and showing 10 times a window, make it to move
> 27 up and -9 left.
> Enrico

I think nobody ever replied to this mail. The problem seems to come from
the way GNUstep places windows. It has to take the border of a window
into account to do this correcly, but we have currently no sure way to
tell, how big the borders are that get provided by the window manager .
So when GNUstep gets them wrong it misplaces the window a bit in your
case 3 pixel in one and 1 in the other direction.
I will have a deeper look into this, at least for a mapped window it
should be possible to get the correct values.


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