Quentin Mathé wrote:
Le 31 mars 04, à 09:25, Fred Kiefer a écrit :

Alexander Malmberg wrote:

I'd rather remove [NSCell -performClick:] than extend it, but either
way, it'll be easy to do this after this change.

here I have to object. performClick: is an interface that is documented by Apple (and as far as I remember was even in the OpenStep specification), we never should remove such an interface. Even the comment that makes this deprecated is a bordering case, as it may be seen as suggesting, that we might remove it at some time.
It would be very frustrating for OpenStep and Cocoa programmers to stumble over such a trivial change when porting things to GNUstep.

performClick: is not part of the OpenStep specification.

Sorry, as I wrote, I was not sure. After your mail I checked and it is there on NSButton and NSButtonCell at least in my OpenStep specification (October 19, 1994, not sure if there are different versions). As this issue is becoming a bit strange now, would you mind to state explicitly what you and Alexander are aiming at?
My position is rather clear: Trying to improve our actual implementation, while keeping an interface that is compliant to OpenStep as well as to Cocoa. Which is fairly easy in this specific case, as the two are not conflicting. I hope, that you are with me here and we just keep this method and apply the rest of the patch.

(a bit confused)

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