On 2017-01-15 22:10, Philipp Schaefermeier wrote:
Dear Gnuzilla mailing list,

I'm having some troubles with IceCatMobile 45.6.0 on Android 4. Crashes too often. I wanted to go back to a pre-40 version, but this is no longer possible with F-Droid.
It gives an error message "unexpected end of stream".

Another thing is the loss of the star-shaped button for bookmarks in the ...-menu right to the tabs no. Since version 40 it is lost. Tapping the empty space still removes/adds bookmarks but the icon is not visible anymore. I reported this to Firefox and Orfox, with no reaction, as this seems to happen on all FF>40. It's lost in IceCatMobile >40 too, so I report it here, too.

Best regards


You should discuss this with the F-Droid folks here: https://f-droid.org/forums/topic/gnuzilla-and-icecat/


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