Cloudflare's browser checks may require accepting/whitelisting a
site's JavaScript, if an extension such as NoScript or uBlock Origin
blocks it, and then, sometimes, manually accepting a cookie from that
domain in the Permissions section of the Page Info window (via

Mozilla removed cookie prompting from Firefox 44.0, and D.F. Savarese
has been maintaining a personal cookie prompter patch ever since:

In mobile Firefox, cookie prompting was never implemented, though the
backend was still there, and Makoto Kato developed a cookie prompt

The extension was not a WebExtension, and so it no longer available at
Mozilla Addons.

An archived version of the original addon page, and an archived xpi
file do exist, though:

XPI, Firefox / IceCat / Fennec F-Droid up to and including v. 43.0 —

The filehash URL parameter is important, btw.


2022-06-18 15:46 GMT +03:00, bill-auger <>:
> gnuzilla does not publish to f-droid - upstream projects
> generally do not publish prepared packages of that sort - if you
> find a problem with any pre-packaged binary icecat, or youd like
> the package upgraded in that repo, you would need to contact the
> person who publishes the package
> i dont know about the f-droid repo specifically; but normally,
> the package itself would tell you who the packager was, with
> contact information and how file bug reports
> but WRT specifically, it is not likely that upgrading
> icecat would change the behavior - the reason why you can not log
> in is documented in BR #47276 "Stuck at Cloudflare 'browser
> checks'" - that includes patches to make it work (and other
> websites guarded by cloudflare); but the patches have not yet
> been accepted into icecat

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