successfully build grep for windows on MSYS2. no errors.

but it shows nothing for "grep.exe -h"​, "grep --version"​ or any other 
supplied argument.
here is what i tried

PS D:\CodePlayground\grep\src> ls

    Directory: D:\CodePlayground\grep\src

-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM             20 .gitignore
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM          19731 dfasearch.c
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM          32415 dfasearch.o
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM           1120 die.h
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM            102 egrep
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM            118
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM            102 fgrep
-a----         7/27/2023   5:33 AM          93542 grep.c
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM        2278983 grep.exe
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM           1197 grep.h
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM         147973 grep.o
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM           7597 kwsearch.c
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM          12404 kwsearch.o
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM          28408 kwset.c
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM           1516 kwset.h
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM         136007 kwset.o
-a----         7/27/2023   6:05 AM          63715 Makefile
-a----         7/27/2023   5:33 AM           2433
-a----         7/27/2023   5:58 AM          84739
-a----         7/27/2023   5:33 AM          13713 pcresearch.c
-a----         7/27/2023   5:33 AM           3736 search.h
-a----         7/27/2023   5:33 AM           6919 searchutils.c
-a----         7/27/2023   6:08 AM          16344 searchutils.o
-a----         7/27/2023   5:25 AM           3998 system.h

PS D:\CodePlayground\grep\src> .\grep.exe --version
PS D:\CodePlayground\grep\src> .\grep.exe --help
PS D:\CodePlayground\grep\src> .\grep.exe 'grep' .\grep.c
PS D:\CodePlayground\grep\src>

here are the logs

Is there a different way to build GNU softwares for windows. because i also 
build "GNU make"​ but it's also same as "GNU grep​". if there's a better way 
which you guys recommend you can share it with me.

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