Dear GNU Grep Maintainers,

I am encountering an issue with GNU grep version 3.8. The grep process
terminates unexpectedly during our build process with the following error:
The build failed because the process exited too early. This probably means
the system ran out of memory or someone called \`kill -9\` on the process.
Additionally, we sometimes see the following message, which may be related
to the issue: Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERNS [FILE]... Try 'grep --help'
for more information.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Run the following command as part of a build process: grep -r 'pattern'
2. The process runs for a while and then terminates unexpectedly.
Additional Information: - Grep Version: 3.8 - Operating System: Debian
GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) - Memory: Total RAM: 2.7 GiB, Used RAM: 1.8 GiB,
Free RAM: 594 MiB, Shared: 64 MiB, Buff/Cache: 331 MiB, Available: 926 MiB,
Swap: Not configured - Command Used: grep -r 'pattern' /path/to/directory -
Logs: Build log excerpt: The build failed because the process exited too
early. This probably means the system ran out of memory or someone called
\`kill -9\` on the process. System log excerpt: [Any relevant log messages]
Please let me know if further information is required to diagnose and
resolve this issue. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards,

 yours faithfully



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