On 16.04.2013 20:02, Josef Klotzner wrote:

> Hello Dear!
> as promised - i am at home now at PC with Raid - here the output of
> update-grub.
> also a little bit strange to me is the output of '/usr/sbin/grub-probe
> --device-map="/boot/grub/device.map" --target=fs -v /boot/grub' --
> basically not refering to Raid at all !?!? i don't understand ....

Isn't /boot/grub on raid?

> ... and something must be wrong with use of file 'device.map'   ...
> irrelevant what is in there or if it even exists or not    ....    NO
> change at all   ....   so maybe another additional bug?

No, most information which previously went into device.map is now
autodetected and it's there just for overrides.

> josef@josef-ssd-128:~$ sudo update-grub
> grub.cfg wird erstellt …
> Found background image: Christmas-Nebula-Full.jpg
> Linux-Abbild gefunden: /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-16-generic
> initrd-Abbild gefunden: /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-16-generic
> ERROR: ddf1: seeking device "/dev/dm-3" to 18446744073709421056
> ERROR: hpt37x: seeking device "/dev/dm-3" to 4608
> ERROR: hpt45x: seeking device "/dev/dm-3" to 18446744073709547008

Doesn't look like a message by any GRUB tool. Can you run using sh -x ?
Or just run sudo os-prober?

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