Follow-up Comment #6, bug #39216 (project grub):

"I don't think that the drive size was the actual issue. It sounds more like
BIOS was configured to boot from this drive and it did so yet since there was
no useful code there it hanged."

Maybe it was something neither of these? not that I know what. keep

"Fortunately, even it was probably bad idea, it pointed also to BIOS boot
settings, where Bryan finally found the solution himself - so, it could be
rare example, how also bad diagnose can lead sometimes indirectly to correct
solution of the problem... :-)"

nicely said :-) 

I think of changing the BIOS settings not to attempt to boot from USB as more
of a workaround that's good enough for me, than a "correct solution".

I set USB to being first and tried booting with another external HD hooked up
via USB (it is a 1TB GF1000Q), the BIOS then correctly booted into the
internal HD's GRUB... Shutdown and replaced with the 2TB drive from before,
and it didn't boot. (Got stuck at the same screen as before, a blinking '_'
without the quotes, just before GRUB starts)

Maybe it's a compatibility issue between the BIOS and the drive, or how it's

Now, I've now put last USB as last in Boot Sequence, and it still boots with
this drive attached. AKA if it finds nothing else that's bootable it'll then
try the USB. Of course it finds the internal hard drive first, and won't even
bother trying to boot from USB. (in the rare case where the internal
harddrive, etc... is missing, or broken, the USB boot option can be used. Even
if it hangs then, it wouldn't matter, the computer wouldn't have booted either

turn on -> F2 -> System -> Boot Sequence -> USB Storage Device -> ...


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