
                 Summary: Please offer simplified config option
                 Project: GNU GRUB
            Submitted by: taupehat
            Submitted on: Fri 26 Jul 2013 03:41:39 AM GMT
                Category: Configuration
                Severity: Major
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: Feature Request
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 1.98
         Reproducibility: Every Time
         Planned Release: None



Example use case:

Home PC, has Linux on sda, Windows 8 on sdb, deprecated (non-bootable) Windows
7 environment also on sda with data that must be kept.

Current behavior:
Vendor kernel update re-writes boot menu entries, correctly hides old Linux
entries behind submenu.  Adds broken Windows 7 entry as primary menu named
"Windows" and adds working Windows 8 entry as primary menu but names it
"Recovery environment for Windows 8 (/dev/sdb)" which confuses non-technical
spouse who also uses said PC.

Requested behavior:
Allow sysadmin to override all the multiple files in /etc simply by making
changes to grub.cfg rather than monkeying with executable permissions in
multiple files in /etc.  

One suggestion would be to have an override flag in grub.cfg such as:

When grub2-mkconfig (or equivalent) runs, priority is given to changes in
grub.cfg, grub2-mkconfig reports out to a logfile any changes that were

The grub2 method of numerous config files in multiple locations (eg:
/boot/grub2, /etc/grub2, /etc/default/grub2, /etc/sysconfig/grub2, etc)
over-automates and over-complicates the process to the point where it's almost
unmanageable without significant time investment, well beyond what was needed
to become proficient working with grub or lilo and (IMHO) well beyond what's
needed to become proficient managing a boot loader.

Can we please get the option to simplify this for easier management?


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