AFAIK, doubles have approx 15-16 decimal digits of precision.
I think your assignment q_test[0]=1.12348; is actually

q_test[0] = 1.1234800000000000341771055900608189

I bet that if you expand 1.12348 as an actual base-2 IEEE floating-
point representation you'll see the point.

jeremy theler

On Wed, 2020-03-25 at 20:19 +0000, Huynh, Hoai Nam wrote:
> <
> >
> Hello,
>    Would you please answer the question below regarding
> gsl_vector_view_array() ?
> Using the GSL (GNU Scientific Library), I'm trying to understand why
> gsl_vector_view_array() returns a slighly modified value after
> assignment.
> In the code below, I declare a vector_view 'qview_test' which is
> linked to table q_test[0]=0.0 and display its value which is 0.0.
> Then, I change the value of q_test[0]=1.12348 and expecting the same
> value for qview_test, but it gets alterated to
> qview_test=1.1234800000000000341771055900608189.
> How do you explain such a result ? How to replicate the result
> without GSL (for ex. with Matlab) ?
> #include <iostream>
> #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
> using namespace std;
> double q_test[1]={0.0};
> gsl_vector_view qview_test;
> int nb_variable = 1;
> int main()
> {
>     qview_test=gsl_vector_view_array(q_test,nb_variable);
>     cout.precision(35);
>     cout << "qview before: " <<
> gsl_vector_get(&qview_test.vector,0)<< endl;
>     // Assign value
>     q_test[0]=1.12348;
>     cout << "qview after: " << gsl_vector_get(&qview_test.vector,0)
> << endl;
>     return 0;
> }
> Thanks,
> Best regards,
> Dr. Hoai Nam HUYNH
> Postdoctoral fellow
> The University of British Columbia
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> Manufacturing Automation Laboratory
> 2366 Main Mall (ICICS Room 091)
> Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 Canada
> Phone: +1 604-827-4370
> >
> [UBC E-mail Signature]

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