Am Donnerstag, 25. April 2013 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
> I believe that commit 1c9e7d6 partly solves that.  That is, if you
> ‘rm -rf /nix/var/nix/substitute-binary/’, and then run
> ‘guix build hello -n’, it should report things that it would download.

Yes, it tells it will download hello. And the cache directory is filled 
with data containing the urls of packages to download.

> However, if you type ‘guix build hello’, it will barf in ‘filtered-port’
> when trying to actually download the thing.

Maybe. Here is the output:

the following file will be downloaded:
@ substituter-started /nix/store/w2121wnp8xv3ycjsgj3ymhb147mrgpc9-hello-2.8 
guix substitute-binary: warning: using Guile 2.0.5-deb+1-3, which does not 
support HTTP () encoding
guix substitute-binary: error: download failed; use a newer Guile
@ substituter-failed /nix/store/w2121wnp8xv3ycjsgj3ymhb147mrgpc9-hello-2.8 
256 fetching path `/nix/store/w2121wnp8xv3ycjsgj3ymhb147mrgpc9-hello-2.8' 
failed with exit code 1
guix build: error: build failed: some substitutes for the outputs of 
derivation `/nix/store/7b51j955338q2kxj3ssvly0i2pw20z7q-hello-2.8.drv' 
failed; try `--fallback'

Adding "--fallback" leads to an error message about an unrecognised option.


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