Chris Marusich <> writes:

> I'm using GuixSD v0.10.0 with GNOME.  I'd like to be able to lock my
> screen, but I can't seem to do so.
> My settings under GNOME settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > System lists
> the following hotkey:
>      * Lock screen: Super+L
> However, when I press Super+L, nothing happens.  Even when I change the
> key binding to something else, it still doesn't work.  I can't find any
> logs in /var/log which shed any light on why this doesn't work.
> How can I lock my screen or investigate further why it's not working?

Just to keep this bug up to date, there is a Gnome Display Manager (GDM)
service available, and if you use this, then Super+L does work.

However, the GDM service in GuixSD doesn't currently do any
authentication for some reason, so the "lock" part of locking the screen
is still missing.

Anyway, I think this is the path to solve this, get the GDM working
including authentication, and then make the GDM the default login
manager when using Gnome.

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