Hi Ludo,

Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> writes:

> I agree with Danny here that parsing the GRUB config wouldn’t be great.
> We have information about the user’s extra menu entries.  The issue, as
> I see it, as that this information is lost once the system is
> instantiated.
> But!  We have the <boot-parameters> structure, that gets serialized with
> the system, and which we could extend with those extra menu entries.
> That way, the info would be preserved, and we can restore them upon
> ‘delete-generations’.  <menu-entry> records are bootloader-independent,
> which is good.
> How does that sound?

Would that involve appending an additional field to <boot-parameters>
for storing the previous entries? I think that would have the pleasant
side-effect of making the code for deployment/reconfiguration simpler :)


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