
The following configuration results in an unbootable system.  The
root partition must be manually mounted with cryptomount in order to
boot the system.

The core issue is that grub unencrypts automatically, as
GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y was provided during installation, the /boot
partition, but not the partition which contains /gnu/store.

Happy hacking!

==================== config.scm ====================
;; ....
  ;; ...
      (bootloader grub-bootloader)
      (target "/dev/sda")))
    (list (mapped-device
            (source (uuid "uuid root device"))
            (target "root")
            (type luks-device-mapping))
            (source (uuid "uuid boot device"))
            (target "boot")
            (type luks-device-mapping))))
    (cons* (file-system
             (mount-point "/")
             (device "/dev/mapper/root")
             (type "btrfs")
             (dependencies mapped-devices))
             (mount-point "/boot")
             (device "/dev/mapper/boot")
             (type "ext4")
             (dependencies mapped-devices))
==================== config.scm ====================

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