I'm exploring building with guile 2.2 because guile-gnutls built with
guile 3.0 is only available in experimental, and even there, missing for

From tests/lint.log:

test-name: archival: missing content
location: /build/guix-EdK9LP/guix-1.2.0~rc2/tests/lint.scm:921
+ (test-assert
+   "archival: missing content"
+   (let* ((origin
+            (origin
+              (method url-fetch)
+              (uri "http://example.org/foo.tgz";)
+              (sha256 (make-bytevector 32))))
+          (warnings
+            (with-http-server
+              '((404 "Not archived."))
+              (parameterize
+                ((%swh-base-url (%local-url)))
+                (check-archival
+                  (dummy-package "x" (source origin)))))))
+     (warning-contains? "not archived" warnings)))
actual-value: #f
+ (keyword-argument-error
+   #<procedure http-request (uri #:key body port method version keep-alive? 
headers decode-body? streaming? request)>
+   "Unrecognized keyword"
+   ()
+   (#:verify-certificate?))
result: FAIL

I haven't tried reproducing this without the Debian patches applied
which liberally sprinkle the test suites with:

  (unless (network-reachable?  (test-skip 1))

... but if you can spot a likely issue, I'd be happy to test it. :)

live well,

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