I had a similar problem today.

I booted with a system configured with Guix at
275fcffc9b5f4deb516c510b26b07c13d6e47307 and everything worked fine.

Then I reconfigured with Guix at commit
04b83678653fda3c66e600e88f54f5108290ec1c, removed a few dozen old
generations and did a 'guix gc'.

At the next reboot, gdm didn't work anymore. I rebooted and launched the
previous system generation, but gdm still didn't work, which is strange.

After some investigation, I found that gdm was failing because the
kernel driver for the GPU was not loaded (the 'nouveau' driver in my
case). I tried to load it by hand with
'insmod /run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules/5.9.11/.../nouveau.ko.gz',
and it failed with the error 'unknown symbol in module'.

I'm not sure what was going on here... The only way I got everything to
work again is by reconfiguring the system to compile and use the 5.9.12

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