Hi.  Some time ago I was able to use Guix-installed dico on my Debian
buster system, but since some days ago it fails with

    $ dico -tvvv puppy
    dico: Error: Invalid reply from server
    dico: Error: /home/jorge/.dico:1: Cannot connect to the server
    dico: Error: Invalid reply from server
    dico: Error: .dico:1: Cannot connect to the server
    dico: Debug: Connecting to dict://localhost:2628
    dico: Debug: S:idxgcide: Error: cannot create index file 
`/home/jorge/.guix-profile/share/gcide/GCIDE.IDX': Read-only file system
    dico: Error: Invalid reply from server

The Emacs interface (dictionary package, installed from MELPA*) also
fails with the error message:
    dictionary-check-initial-reply: Server returned: idxgcide: Error: cannot 
create index file `/home/jorge/.guix-profile/share/gcide/GCIDE.IDX': Read-only 
file system

This is probably caused by the gnu-store.mount Systemd service which I
recently enabled.  However, enabling this service is recommended by the
manual (see [[info:guix#Binary Installation]]), so I believe this is a

Will you find a way to make Dico work on a read-only file system?  In
the meantime, is it safe and secure for me to temporarily disable
gnu-store.mount as a workaround?


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