Split off from 46942

I recently had to rebuild a Guix OS. I ran a modified installer that used two 
substitute URLs: the SJTUG mirror, and the official Cuirass server in Berlin, 
listed in that order.

Unfortunately, it seems the SJTUG mirror has some reliability problems, during 
install the guided installation repeatedly failed during downloading of a 
`e2fsck` archive; I was unable to save the error since this occurred during an 
install when I had no easy way to copy-paste error messages.

But that's tangential to *this* particular report.  My expectation when I give 
multiple substitute URLs is that if one substitute server is failing, it should 
automatically try other substitute servers.  So even if it gets *any* kind of 
error on the first listed server, the substituter should make an effort to talk 
to some other server listed in the `substitute-urls`, not give up immediately.

My expectation is this:

* For each substitute server:
  * If package exists in server:
    * Try downloading
      * If downloading completed with signature OK, exit function with success.
      * else continue
* If we reach here, build locally if `--fallback` is specified.

But it looks like:

* For each substitute server:
  * If package exists in server:
    * Try downloading
      * If downloading completed with signature OK, exit function with success.
      * else error out of the function
* If we reach here, build locally if `--fallback` is specified.

The simple fact of the matter is that Internet connectivity ***IS NOT 
RELIABLE***, so failure to download MUST NOT mean that the substituter should 
assume the worst and should just fail catastrophically and abort, which then 
leads to higher-level constructions *also* aborting, sometimes throwing several 
minutes' worth of processing and downloading down the drain just because some 
package was not downloaded from a particular substitute server.

So what I would really like is:

* The substituter should really make at least a token effort to *resume* a 
partial download that failed midway through.  Even just have it try a resume 
*once* would be good.
* The substituter should really fall back to the next item in the list of 
substitute URLs if the first one is not behaving properly, instead of deciding 
that the first substitute URL is the canonical version and further substitute 
URLs are to be ignored.

Is there any reason why the above is not feasible for Guix?


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