> Hi Maxime,
> > On Mon, 2021-03-15 at 00:13 +0000, raid5atemyhomework via Bug reports for 
> > GNU Guix wrote:
> >
> > > Hello all,
> > > [...]
> > > I recently had to rebuild an OS (because I was dumb; the Guix language
> > > for shepherd services can easily lead you deadlocking shepherd itself)
> > > and had supreme difficulty reinstalling, [...]
> >
> > Reinstalling after a messed up configuration file shouldn't be necessary.
> > At least when using GRUB as bootloader, guix keeps some old (& presumably
> > not broken) system generations around, that can be selected when booting
> > from the bootloader. (I don't recall exactly how the menu is named,
> > maybe ‘Old system generations of $HOSTNAMES?)
> Unfortunately I had a long-standing latent bug in my configuration file that 
> triggered on a (persistent on-disk) edge case which would cause the shepherd 
> process to enter an infinite loop (because the shepherd configuration 
> language is Turing-complete enough to allow infinite loops in the first 
> place). All the remaining generations (since I didn't like keeping more than 
> a dozen, and had recently been excessively tweaking the configuration file) 
> had this bug, so I had no way of reverting to an even older generation that 
> predated the bug.

And regardless, this kind of problem shouldn't occur in the first place.

* Instead of running the `start` code in the same process 1 (which is special 
enough that no amount of `kill -s SIGKILL 1` will work even if you manage to 
log into a console), `shepherd` should really run it in a separate process and 
monitor it if it's taking too long and possibly allow the operator to break out 
of it.  Principle of least power and all that...
  * If you want details: there is a shepherd service A that is a requirement of 
shepherd service B, however the daemon launched by A needed to reach a 
particular point in its initialization before B can start talking to it.  B 
itself will fail to start if A has not reached that point in initialization.  
The extra code I added to the `start` of shepherd service A was to wait for 
that point of initialization before A was considered "started".  It turned out 
it was buggy in that if the point was not reached in 1 second it would 
inadvertently enter an incorrect looping logic (ironically, the logic was 
supposed to exit it after 60 seconds, but I got increment/decrement crossed, 
meaning it would always loop as long as you never reached -60 seconds, which 
was impossible....) that ended up being an infinite loop and preventing process 
1 from advancing.  And this point was getting delayed when the process launched 
by A had to do a lot of (important) data on-disk that it needed to process at 
startup, so it was persistent on-disk data that would need > 1 second to 
process, thus ensuring that the buggy code would be entered.
* If this was a new computer it would also be just as screwed during 
installation anyway, you should consider this a fortuitous discovery of a 
latent bug.
  * New users trying out Guix System that happen to get hit by this bug might 
very well decide that Guix is not stable enough for them to commit to using.


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