On Thu, 2 Sep 2021 10:10:22 +0200
zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Denis,
> Thanks for the investigation and the attempt.
> Well, I miss if it works or not...
It doesn't work.

The issue was that if you build a tarball with guix pack, without guix
time-machine, you can't reproduce it with guix-time-machine.

Between the two tarballs, everything is the same but the provenance

So here the idea is to make sure that the provenance file is the same
between tarballs made with and without guix time-machine.

Here I get a diff between tarballs made with and without guix
time-machine, with or without your patch, so the patch doesn't fix it
yet for guix master of yesterday.

Between when I reported the bug and the test I did yesterday, the HEAD
of guix master changed though.


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