> What would be the best way to fix this?
>  - keep a mozjs-78.6 package around just for 0ad
>  - patch 0ad to fix the compatibility issues with mozjs 78.15
>  - use the mozjs version bundled in the 0ad sources

Keeping mozjs-78.6 just for 0ad will probably make things harder later on because it's another package to maintain and users likely won't be able install 0ad and icecat/icedove in the same profile. I suppose users can always use `-P /path/to/0ad-profile` when installing or updating 0ad.

I'm thinking using the bundled mozjs is perhaps the best option, though it isn't particularly guixy, because I expect most users would want the 0ad packaged by guix to be compatible with other 0ad builds in the wild. However, I think it would be useful to fix compatibility issues with mozjs 78.15 so interested contributors can tell upstream if guix's current minor version breaks the expected deterministic behaviors described in the error.

Another option would be to keep mozjs-78.6 for 0ad and patch it so interested users can test updated mozjs using `--with-input=mozjs=mozjs`. It isn't very difficult to modify a list of packages to use a specific mozjs in a manifest or home configuration, right? Though I guess interested contributors could always add the patch themselves just as easily...

Anyway, that's my two cents.

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