zimoun schreef op vr 03-12-2021 om 11:29 [+0100]:
> Hi,
> This old bug#34170 [1] provides only the ’Subject’ as elements.
> The package bitcore-core still provides ’leveldb’:
> [...]
> and I am not sure to get what is the issue.  Some explanations?

The issue is that bitcoin-core bundles leveldb (which you have shown
is still the case), even though leveldb is packaged in Guix. See, e.g.
‘(guix)Snippets versus Phases’ and the following from ‘(guix)Submitting

  7. Make sure the package does not use bundled copies of software
     already available as separate packages.

     Sometimes, packages include copies of the source code of their
     dependencies as a convenience for users.  However, as a
     distribution, we want to make sure that such packages end up using
     the copy we already have in the distribution, if there is one.
     This improves resource usage (the dependency is built and stored
     only once), and allows the distribution to make transverse changes
     such as applying security updates for a given software package in a
     single place and have them affect the whole system—something that
     bundled copies prevent.


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