Update to latest version is not possible right now, the dependencies in Guix 
are too old (pango, gtk4, etc).
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:453): Running Zrythm in /home/kiasoc5
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (guile_init:50): Initializing guile subsystem...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:461): GTK_THEME=(null)
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:464): Installing signal handler...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:470): Initing X threads...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:475): Initing suil...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:479): Making fftw planner thread safe...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:484): Initing audio decoder...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:510): Initing random...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:523): Initing math coefficients...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:527): Initing Zrythm app...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.663: (main:539): executable path found: /gnu/store/1xy21qw7zgp7vxnl4iijd52bb04j2g7i-zrythm-1.0.0-alpha.12.0.1/bin/.zrythm-real
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.664: (zrythm_app_init:1259): initing zrythm app
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.664: (zrythm_app_init:1288): added action entries
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.664: (raise_open_file_limit:1135): Your system is configured to limit Zrythm to 8192 open files
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.664: (lock_memory:1060): Locking down memory...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.677: (zrythm_new:500): zrythm_new: allocating Zrythm instance...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.678: (object_utils_new:191): object_utils_new: Creating object utils...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.964: (create_and_load_lilv_word:196): Creating Lilv World...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.965: (create_and_load_lilv_word:243): create_and_load_lilv_word: LV2 path: /home/kiasoc5/.lv2:/usr/local/lib/lv2:/usr/lib/lv2:/usr/lib/zrythm/lib/lv2
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.965: (create_and_load_lilv_word:258): create_and_load_lilv_word: loading all...
error: failed to open file /usr/lib/lv2/librnnoise_lv2.so/manifest.ttl (Not a directory)
lilv_world_load_file(): error: Error loading file `file:///usr/lib/lv2/librnnoise_lv2.so/manifest.ttl'
lilv_world_load_bundle(): error: Error reading file:///usr/lib/lv2/librnnoise_lv2.so/manifest.ttl
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.984: (cached_plugin_descriptors_new:109): Cached plugin descriptors file at /home/kiasoc5/.local/share/zrythm/cached_plugin_descriptors.yaml does not exist
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.985: (plugin_collections_new:86): Plugin collections file at /home/kiasoc5/.local/share/zrythm/plugin_collections.yaml does not exist
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.985: (main:546): running Zrythm...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:26.986: (zrythm_app_startup:728): Starting up...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.035: (zrythm_app_startup:733): called startup on G_APPLICATION_CLASS
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.035: (zrythm_app_startup:748): application registered: 1, is remote 0, app menu exists: 1, prefers app menu: 0
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.035: (zrythm_app_startup:754): application resources base path: /org/zrythm/Zrythm

(zrythm:6860): zrythm-WARNING **: 09:53:27.173: ((null):(null)): (../zrythm-1.0.0-alpha.12.0.1/src/utils/gtk.c:44):z_gtk_get_primary_monitor_scale_factor: runtime check failed: (monitor)

(zrythm:6860): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 09:53:27.173: ((null):(null)): gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GDK_IS_MONITOR (monitor)' failed
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (zrythm_app_startup:771): Monitor scale factor: 1
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (zrythm_app_startup:799): Theme set
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (zrythm_app_startup:816): prepended icon theme search path: /gnu/store/1xy21qw7zgp7vxnl4iijd52bb04j2g7i-zrythm-1.0.0-alpha.12.0.1/share/icons
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (zrythm_app_startup:831): prepended icon theme search path: /gnu/store/1xy21qw7zgp7vxnl4iijd52bb04j2g7i-zrythm-1.0.0-alpha.12.0.1/share/zrythm/themes/icons
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (zrythm_app_startup:846): prepended icon theme search path: /home/kiasoc5/.local/share/zrythm/themes/icons
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (zrythm_app_startup:853): looking for GDK Pixbuf formats...
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: ani
description: Windows animated cursor
mime types: application/x-navi-animation
extensions: ani
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: bmp
description: BMP
mime types: image/bmp, image/x-bmp, image/x-MS-bmp
extensions: bmp
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: gif
description: GIF
mime types: image/gif
extensions: gif
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: icns
description: MacOS X icon
mime types: image/x-icns
extensions: icns
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: GPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: ico
description: Windows icon
mime types: image/x-icon, image/x-ico, image/x-win-bitmap, image/vnd.microsoft.icon, application/ico, image/ico, image/icon, text/ico
extensions: ico, cur
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: jpeg
description: JPEG
mime types: image/jpeg
extensions: jpeg, jpe, jpg
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: png
description: PNG
mime types: image/png
extensions: png
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: pnm
description: PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM
mime types: image/x-portable-anymap, image/x-portable-bitmap, image/x-portable-graymap, image/x-portable-pixmap
extensions: pnm, pbm, pgm, ppm
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: qtif
description: QuickTime
mime types: image/x-quicktime, image/qtif
extensions: qtif, qif
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: tga
description: Targa
mime types: image/x-tga
extensions: tga, targa
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: tiff
description: TIFF
mime types: image/tiff
extensions: tiff, tif
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: xbm
description: XBM
mime types: image/x-xbitmap
extensions: xbm
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
zrythm-Message: 09:53:27.173: (print_gdk_pixbuf_format_info:674): Found GDK Pixbuf Format:
name: xpm
description: XPM
mime types: image/x-xpixmap
extensions: xpm
is scalable: 0
is disabled: 0
license: LGPL
SVG loader was not found.
Zrythm-1.0.0-alpha.12.0.1 Copyright (C) 2018-2021 The Zrythm contributors


This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file `COPYING' for details.

Write comments and bugs to https://sr.ht/~alextee/zrythm/trackers
Support this project at https://liberapay.com/Zrythm

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