
guix-jupyter currently fails to build with the error message below. While I
noticed it when updating python-sympy, the problem was already present


test-name: execute_request
location: /tmp/guix-build-guix-jupyter-0.2.2.drv-0/source/tests/kernels.scm:100
+ (test-equal
+   "execute_request"
+   42
+   (let ((request
+           (message
+             (header "execute_request" "luser" "12345")
+             (scm->json-string
+               (execute-request->json
+                 (execute-request (code "40 + 2\n")))))))
+     (send-message %kernel request)
+     (let* ((replies
+              (unfold
+                (cut > <> 4)
+                (lambda (_) (read-message %kernel 10000))
+                #{1+}#
+                0)))
+       (define (type-predicate type)
+         (lambda (message)
+           (string=? (message-type message) type)))
+       (and (every message? (pk 'replies replies))
+            (match (filter (type-predicate "status") replies)
+                   ((busy idle)
+                    (and (eq? 'busy
+                              (kernel-status-execution-state
+                                (json->kernel-status (message-content busy))))
+                         (eq? 'idle
+                              (kernel-status-execution-state
+                                (json->kernel-status (message-content idle))))
+                         (equal?
+                           (message-parent-header busy)
+                           (message-header request))
+                         (equal?
+                           (message-parent-header idle)
+                           (message-header request)))))
+            (let ((input (find (type-predicate "execute_input") replies)))
+              (equal?
+                (message-parent-header input)
+                (message-header request)))
+            (let ((reply (find (type-predicate "execute_reply") replies)))
+              (equal?
+                (message-parent-header reply)
+                (message-header request)))
+            (let ((result
+                    (find (type-predicate "execute_result") replies)))
+              (and (equal?
+                     (message-parent-header result)
+                     (message-header request))
+                   (let* ((content
+                            (json-string->scm (message-content result)))
+                          (data (assoc-ref content "data"))
+                          (text (assoc-ref data "text/plain")))
+                     (string->number text))))))))

;;; (replies (#<<message> header: #<<header> id: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5_900_3" user: "username" session: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5" date: "2022-08-09T13:21:24.436017Z" type: 
"kernel_info_reply" version: "5.3" sender: #f> parent-header: #<<header> id: 
"7b136e32ddcbe2e226edffb116a4fca9" user: "luser" session: "12345" date: 
"2022-08-09T13:21:24.298532000" type: "kernel_info_request" version: "5.0" 
sender: #f> metadata: "{}" content: "{\"status\": \"ok\", \"protocol_version\": 
\"5.3\", \"implementation\": \"ipython\", \"implementation_version\": 
\"8.2.0\", \"language_info\": {\"name\": \"python\", \"version\": \"3.9.9\", 
\"mimetype\": \"text/x-python\", \"codemirror_mode\": {\"name\": \"ipython\", 
\"version\": 3}, \"pygments_lexer\": \"ipython3\", \"nbconvert_exporter\": 
\"python\", \"file_extension\": \".py\"}, \"banner\": \"Python 3.9.9 (main, Jan 
 1 1970, 00:00:01) \\nType 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more 
information\\nIPython 8.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for 
help.\\n\", \"help_links\": [{\"text\": \"Python Reference\", \"url\": 
\"https://docs.python.org/3.9\"}, {\"text\": \"IPython Reference\", \"url\": 
\"https://ipython.org/documentation.html\"}, {\"text\": \"NumPy Reference\", 
\"url\": \"https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/\"}, {\"text\": \"SciPy 
Reference\", \"url\": \"https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/\"}, 
{\"text\": \"Matplotlib Reference\", \"url\": 
\"https://matplotlib.org/contents.html\"}, {\"text\": \"SymPy Reference\", 
\"url\": \"http://docs.sympy.org/latest/index.html\"}, {\"text\": \"pandas 
Reference\", \"url\": \"https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/\"}]}"; 
buffers: ()> #<<message> header: #<<header> id: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5_900_4" user: "username" session: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5" date: "2022-08-09T13:21:24.438407Z" type: 
"status" version: "5.3" sender: #vu8(107 101 114 110 101 108 46 100 53 55 102 
102 101 102 53 45 48 98 102 50 45 52 97 57 102 45 97 99 50 52 45 53 53 100 54 
97 97 100 102 53 56 52 97 46 115 116 97 116 117 115)> parent-header: #<<header> 
id: "7b136e32ddcbe2e226edffb116a4fca9" user: "luser" session: "12345" date: 
"2022-08-09T13:21:24.298532000" type: "kernel_info_request" version: "5.0" 
sender: #f> metadata: "{}" content: "{\"execution_state\": \"idle\"}" buffers: 
()> #<<message> header: #<<header> id: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5_900_5" user: "username" session: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5" date: "2022-08-09T13:21:24.470543Z" type: 
"status" version: "5.3" sender: #vu8(107 101 114 110 101 108 46 100 53 55 102 
102 101 102 53 45 48 98 102 50 45 52 97 57 102 45 97 99 50 52 45 53 53 100 54 
97 97 100 102 53 56 52 97 46 115 116 97 116 117 115)> parent-header: #<<header> 
id: "b101b0c27f41055fc03178fdce86a4f6" user: "luser" session: "12345" date: 
"2022-08-09T13:21:24.465152000" type: "execute_request" version: "5.0" sender: 
#f> metadata: "{}" content: "{\"execution_state\": \"busy\"}" buffers: ()> 
#<<message> header: #<<header> id: "5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5_900_6" 
user: "username" session: "5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5" date: 
"2022-08-09T13:21:24.471181Z" type: "execute_input" version: "5.3" sender: 
#vu8(107 101 114 110 101 108 46 100 53 55 102 102 101 102 53 45 48 98 102 50 45 
52 97 57 102 45 97 99 50 52 45 53 53 100 54 97 97 100 102 53 56 52 97 46 101 
120 101 99 117 116 101 95 105 110 112 117 116)> parent-header: #<<header> id: 
"b101b0c27f41055fc03178fdce86a4f6" user: "luser" session: "12345" date: 
"2022-08-09T13:21:24.465152000" type: "execute_request" version: "5.0" sender: 
#f> metadata: "{}" content: "{\"code\": \"40 + 2\\n\", \"execution_count\": 1}" 
buffers: ()> #<<message> header: #<<header> id: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5_900_7" user: "username" session: 
"5103841f-98e1ea45964e58d9ba214dc5" date: "2022-08-09T13:21:24.497586Z" type: 
"execute_result" version: "5.3" sender: #vu8(107 101 114 110 101 108 46 100 53 
55 102 102 101 102 53 45 48 98 102 50 45 52 97 57 102 45 97 99 50 52 45 53 53 
100 54 97 97 100 102 53 56 52 97 46 101 120 101 99 117 116 101 95 114 101 115 
117 108 116)> parent-header: #<<header> id: "b101b0c27f41055fc03178fdce86a4f6" 
user: "luser" session: "12345" date: "2022-08-09T13:21:24.465152000" type: 
"execute_request" version: "5.0" sender: #f> metadata: "{}" content: 
"{\"data\": {\"text/plain\": \"42\"}, \"metadata\": {}, \"execution_count\": 
1}" buffers: ()>))
expected-value: 42
actual-value: #f
result: FAIL

error: in phase 'check': uncaught exception:
%exception #<&invoke-error program: "make" arguments: ("check" "-j" "4") 
exit-status: 2 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f>
phase `check' failed after 10.7 seconds
command "make" "check" "-j" "4" failed with status 2
builder for 
`/gnu/store/i1r5p6g0k3a98316x3s2yrpx9kwjq9vn-guix-jupyter-0.2.2.drv' failed 
with exit code 1

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