Ludovic Courtès <> skribis:

> Maxim Cournoyer <> skribis:


>> No :-).  I meant why do we even set a default accessor for the *source
>> location* information (in the (gnu service configuration) macros); it's
>> that one that doesn't seem to get used (or I'm blind to it!), at least
>> via this accessor.  If it's not strictly necessary, we can stop
>> producing it, and that would solve the problem.
> Like I wrote, I think it’s necessary, even if not used now.

To complement this answer: key high-level record types usually have a
‘location’ field: <package>, <channel>, <mapped-device>, <file-system>,
<service-type>, etc.  The rationale is that it allows us to report
accurate location info for errors and warnings, to jump to their
definition, and so on.

For configuration records this is not a common pattern, but the
rationale holds.  ‘zabbix-front-end-config’ uses the ‘%location’ field,
but it seems to be the only one so far.


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