
below are more details on the current test failure of python-dolfin-adjoint
version 2019.1.0. Maybe an option would be to try to update to a newer
version? There is 2019.1.2.


=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_read_checkpoint _____________________________

    def test_read_checkpoint():
        with stop_annotating():
            N = 15
            mesh = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
            V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
            x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
            v = project(x[0]*x[1]*cos(x[1]), V)
            out = XDMFFile(file_from_curr_dir("scalar.xdmf"))
            out.write_checkpoint(v, "u", 0.0)
            exact = assemble(v*dx)

        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
        v = Function(V)
        c = Control(v)
        J = assemble(v*dx)
        infile = XDMFFile(file_from_curr_dir("scalar.xdmf"))
        u = Function(V)
>       infile.read_checkpoint(u,'u', -1)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <dolfin.cpp.io.XDMFFile object at 0x7fffb58557f0>
args = (Coefficient(FunctionSpace(Mesh(VectorElement(FiniteElement('Lagrange', 
triangle, 1), dim=2), 38754), FiniteElement('Lagrange', triangle, 1)), 38769), 
'u', -1)
kwargs = {}, annotate = True

    def XDMFFile_read_checkpoint(self, *args, **kwargs):
        annotate = annotate_tape(kwargs)
>       output = __XDMFFile_read_checkpoint__(self, *args, **kwargs)
E       RuntimeError: basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time.
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
Level 25 FFC:log.py:127 Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take 
some time.
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiling form 

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 1: Analyzing form(s)
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 -----------------------------------
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Preprocessing form using 'uflacs' representation 
INFO     FFC:log.py:127
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Geometric dimension:       2
  Number of cell subdomains: 0
  Rank:                      1
  Arguments:                 '(v_0)'
  Number of coefficients:    0
  Coefficients:              '[]'
  Unique elements:           'CG1(?,?), Vector<2 x CG1(?,?)>'
  Unique sub elements:       'CG1(?,?), Vector<2 x CG1(?,?)>'

INFO     FFC:log.py:127   representation:    auto --> uflacs
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   quadrature_rule:   auto --> default
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   quadrature_degree: auto --> 6
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   quadrature_degree: 6
INFO     FFC:log.py:127
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 1 finished in 0.00596237 seconds.

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 2: Computing intermediate representation
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 -------------------------------------------------------
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Computing representation of 0 elements
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Computing representation of 0 dofmaps
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Computing representation of 0 coordinate mappings
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Computing representation of integrals
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Computing uflacs representation
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    FFC:log.py:127   Reusing element from cache
DEBUG    UFL:log.py:127 Blocks of each mode:
  1     full
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Computing representation of forms
INFO     FFC:log.py:127
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 2 finished in 0.0164835 seconds.

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 3: Optimizing intermediate representation
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 --------------------------------------------------------
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Optimizing uflacs representation
INFO     FFC:log.py:127
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 3 finished in 0.000202894 seconds.

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 4: Generating code
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 ---------------------------------
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Generating code for 0 finite_element(s)
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Generating code for 0 dofmap(s)
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Generating code for 0 coordinate_mapping(s)
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Generating code for integrals
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Generating code from ffc.uflacs representation
INFO     FFC:log.py:127   Generating code for forms
INFO     FFC:log.py:127
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 4 finished in 0.00399137 seconds.

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 4.1 finished in 9.53674e-07 seconds.

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 5: Formatting code
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 ---------------------------------
INFO     FFC:log.py:127
INFO     FFC:log.py:127 Compiler stage 5 finished in 0.000437498 seconds.

INFO     FFC:log.py:127 FFC finished in 0.0274181 seconds.
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
 PytestDeprecationWarning: @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated.
  Use @pytest.fixture instead; they are the same.

 PytestDeprecationWarning: @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated.
  Use @pytest.fixture instead; they are the same.

 PytestDeprecationWarning: @pytest.yield_fixture is deprecated.
  Use @pytest.fixture instead; they are the same.
    def pushpop_parameters():

-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/fenics_adjoint/test_io.py::test_read_checkpoint - RuntimeError: ...
= 1 failed, 125 passed, 9 skipped, 1 xfailed, 3 warnings in 839.66s (0:13:59) ==

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