
On Mon, 23 Oct 2023 at 22:27, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <m...@tobias.gr> wrote:

>>Why not trigger it by “guix gc”?
> Unless there's a new option I missed, guix gc doesn't handle this.

Maybe I missed something but “guix gc” handles what we implement, no? :-)

Well, I run “guix gc” when I need some space.  And this
“maybe-run-git-gc” does exactly that: collect some spaces when I need

For me, they are part of “guix gc” and not part of some update.

Aside, re-thinking about other features, I am consistent with other
comments I made when introducing ’maybe-remove-expired-cache-entries’;
see <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/45327#4>.  And consistent because most
probably I still think the same: cache cleanup should be handled by
“guix gc” and not by the commands themselves.  And maybe we are having
the same discussion. ;-)

>>Well, I expect “guix gc” to take some time and I choose when.  However,
>>I want “guix pull” or “guix time-machine” to be as fast as possible
> I don't think that things should be pushed into guix gc merely because
> they are slow.

Maybe I misread, somehow it appears to me that you miss the key part: I
choose when some extra work is done and I keep “guix pull” and “guix
time-machine” as fast as possible.


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