
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Manolis Ragkousis <manolis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For now if you can point me to where I can find any relevant code you have
> available for the building procedure ,especially the part for glibc and
> libpthread, I will be grateful. :-)

I've dumped my build scripts to GitHub[0].  The rules to build
packages are under the make.pkg.d directory.  (It grew from a crazy
Makefile setup.)  The project sources used are current as of right

It should be noted that I haven't had much time to research and report
build problems for the last few months, so some of my hack solutions
may not align with what the developers intended.  (For instance:
<mach/gnumach.defs> tries to import definitions from a debug file that
doesn't get installed; I just patched it to install those debug files
for now, which may not be a desirable fix.)  Hopefully your project
mentors can help you make corrections if my bad examples lead you

Good luck.


[0] https://github.com/dm0-/gnuxc

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