On 16/08/15 20:33, Robert Millan wrote:
El 16/08/15 a les 15:14, Antti Kantee ha escrit:
 >> * It includes code from other people under GPLv2; I'm not sure if
this may be an issue wrt licensing
 >>    policy of Rump as this is only targetted at the pci-userspace
module. In any case if you
 >>    think it's an issue let me know and we'll try to find a solution:
 >>    - intrthread() is heavily based on intloop() from
 >>    [...]
 > I'm not worried about GPL, but I am worried about someone using GPL
accidentally when they did not intend to.  It's better if the code can
offered under LGLP, but not a requirement.  One option would be to put
Hurd support under "gpl/src-hurd".  Or just be very explicit about the
licensing both in LICENSE and README.

So, to summarize, I'm writing this mail to find out about the authorship
(can you
confirm it's yours?), and in case this is your code to see where you
stand regarding
Antti's concerns. I.e. what's the current license terms; are you ok with
relicensing; etc.

If the relevant code is going to be dual licensed, BSD/ISC as the alternative would be best.

Another option is to distribute the rump kernel part of the code in Hurd. I think it's expected for code found in Hurd to be GPL, and since it's possible for GPL projects to incorporate BSD-licensed code without any adverse side effects or surprises for users, the whole licensing problem would go away. (or did I miss something?)

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