Hello, GNU Hurd hackers!

I'm available to work on free software things of my choice full time
for at least the next six months.  Besides helping the GNU project and
the FSF with some infrastructural work and campaigns, I've decided to
use all my remaining time to hack on the GNU Hurd.  I'm a beginner to
GNU Hurd, but I have plenty of time and I'm willing to learn whatever
is necessary to get the job done.  I've been playing around with my
Hurd Box and devouring the Hurd wiki and related documentation for
a few days by now, but I think it's time to start working towards a
clear goal in order to keep myself on track.

I'm interested in improving Hurd's hardware support, probably working
on the development of user-space device drivers[0], most likely the
rump kernel integration.  I see that Robert Millan has made some
remarkable progress in that area, and I'd like to help.  I know you all
are busy people, but I'd appreciate pretty much any form of mentoring
or advice I can get.

Thank you in advance!


 ,= ,-_-. =.  Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix) [0x28D618AF]
((_/)o o(\_)) http://oitofelix.freeshell.org/
 `-'(. .)`-'  irc://chat.freenode.org/oitofelix
     \_/      xmpp:oitofe...@riseup.net

GNU maintainer: ccd2cue
DMOZ free software editor (Portuguese)

[GNU DISCLAIMER] I'm a GNU hacker, but my views don't necessarily
match those of the GNU project.  Hereby I express my own opinion,
style and perception, in good faith, aiming the betterment of GNU.

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