Hey :)

"Brent W. Baccala" <cos...@freesoft.org> writes:
> Our current setup is that PID 5 (ext2fs) runs first, then starts PID 2
> (startup), which starts PID 1 (init).  Weird.  The cleanest solution, of
> course, would be to have proc actually respect these parenting
> relationships, then SIGCHLD and waitpid() would work normally.

Yes, weird indeed.  /hurd/proc assigns pids as the tasks are discovered,
and I hacked it so that we can make sysvinit pid 1.  sysvinit (posix?)
expects that.

> 3. Booting the subhurd, then running "halt -f" from its shell crashes the
> parent Hurd.  Here's what the subhurd displays:

I recommend against shutting down subhurds.  Privileged subhurds
(privileged as in the do have the privileged host control port) can
power down the system.  Also, the subhurd can see tasks from the parent
hurd, and interact with them.

If you like, you can have a look at my unprivileged subhurd branch here:



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