On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 11:24:50PM +0200, Jan Wielkiewicz wrote:
> Please stop arguing, everyone.
> I already made some notes about how to make the web page more readable,
> we'll be judging the effects when its done.
> Don't waste more time on arguing than it's worth.

This discussion relates to the culture of the project itself, so I don't
think it's wasted.

> As for Samuel's and yours opinion about people with cognitive biases,
> etc, remember not everyone who visits the page is a system developer -
> sometimes an unrelated person can visit the page. In this case if that
> person finds the web page interesting (even due to cognitive bias),
> there's a possibility the person will tell others about the finding.
> If the web page looks bad, abandoned, isn't convincing, then the person
> just won't care or even worse, will tell others the Hurd is abandonware.
> There's a small chance an incompetent person will tell their more
> competent friends about it, and that's our chance.
> All I want to do is to increase the probability.

My point isn't to have a bad looking web site, just not to turn it into
something that it shouldn't be for all kinds of stupid reasons. I
personally like what you wrote so far about your intentions.

Richard Braun

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