Hi all,

I think I managed to get the rumpdisk bootstrapped translator installed on a 
filesystem node,
but when I try to mount a second partition on the same disk it crashes the / 

root@zamhurd:~# showtrans /dev/wd0s3
/hurd/storeio -T typed part:3:device:@/dev/rumpdisk:/dev/wd0
?2004hroot@zamhurd:~# mount /dev/wd0s3 /mnt -t ext2 
ext2fs: part:2:device:/dev/wd0: warning: FILESYSTEM NOT UNMOUNTED CLEANLY; PLEAS
E fsck
ext2fs: part:2:device:/dev/wd0: warning: FILESYSTEM NOT UNMOUNTED CLEANLY; PLEAS
E fsck
ext2fs: part:2:device:/dev/wd0: warning: UNCLEANED FILESYSTEM NOW WRITABLE
ext2fs: ../../libdiskfs/disk-pager.c:109: fault_handler: Assertion 'err' failed.


With this commit on top of hurd-sv master I get the above log:



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