October 10, 2023 9:20 PM, jbra...@dismail.de wrote:

I edited an old email from Sergey to make this wiki edit.

I hope Sergey doesn't mind.

> ---
> .../gnumach_vm_map_entry_forward_merging.mdwn | 187 ++++++++++++++++++
> 1 file changed, 187 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/open_issues/gnumach_vm_map_entry_forward_merging.mdwn
> b/open_issues/gnumach_vm_map_entry_forward_merging.mdwn
> index 7739f4d1..b34bd61e 100644
> --- a/open_issues/gnumach_vm_map_entry_forward_merging.mdwn
> +++ b/open_issues/gnumach_vm_map_entry_forward_merging.mdwn
> @@ -10,6 +10,193 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
> [[!tag open_issue_gnumach]]
> +Mach is not always able to merge/coalesce mappings (VM entries) that
> +are made next to each other, leading to potentially very large numbers
> +of VM entries, which may slow down the VM functionality. This is said
> +to particularly affect ext2fs and bash.
> +
> +The basic idea of Mach designers is that entry coalescing is only an
> +optimization anyway, not a hard guarantee. We can apply it in the
> +common simple case, and just refuse to do it in any remotely complex
> +cases (copies, shadows, multiply referenced objects, pageout in
> +progress, ...).
> +
> +Suppose you define a special test program that intentionally maps
> +parts of a file next to each other and watches the resulting VM map
> +entries, and just ran a full Hurd system and observed results.
> +
> +One can stress test ext2fs in particular to check for VM entry
> +merging:
> +
> + # grep NR -r /usr &> /dev/null
> + # vminfo 8 | wc -l
> +
> +That grep opens and reads lots of files to simulate a long-running
> +machine (perhaps a build server); then one can look at the number of
> +mappings in ext2fs afterwards. Depending on how much your /usr is
> +populated, you will get different numbers. An older Hurd from say
> +2022, the above comand would result in 5,000-20,000 entries depending
> +on the machine! In June 2023, GNUMach gained some forward merging
> +functinality, which lowered the number of mappings down to 93 entries!
> +
> +(It is a separate question of why ext2fs makes that many mappings in
> +the first place. There could possible by a leak in ext2fs that would
> +be responsible for this, but none have been found so far. Possibly
> +another problem is that we have an unbounded node cache in libdiskfs
> +and Mach caching VM objects, which also keeps the node alive.)
> +
> +These are the simple forward merging cases that GNUMach now supports:
> +
> +- Forward merging: in `vm_map_enter`, merging with the next entry, in
> + addition to merging with the previous entry that was already there;
> +
> +- For forward merging, a `VM_OBJECT_NULL` can be merged in front of a
> + non-null VM object, provided the second entry has large enough
> + offset into the object to 'mount' the the first entry in front of
> + it;
> +
> +- A VM object can always be merged with itself (provded offsets/sizes
> + match) -- this allows merging entries referencing non-anonymous VM
> + objects too, such a file mappings;
> +
> +- Operations such as `vm_protect` do "clipping", which means splitting
> + up VM map entries, in case the specified region lands in the middle
> + of an entry -- but they were never "gluing" (merging, coalescing)
> + entries back together if the region is later vm_protect'ed back. Now
> + this is done (and we try to coalesce in some other cases too). This
> + should particularly help with "program break" (brk) in glibc, which
> + vm_protect's the pages allocated for the brk back and forth all the
> + time.
> +
> +- As another optimization, throw away unmapped physical pages when
> + there are no other references to the object (provided there is no
> + pager). Previously the pages would remain in core until the object
> + was either unmapped completely, or until another mapping was to be
> + created in place of the unmapped one and coalescing kicked in.
> +
> +- Also shrink the size of `struct vm_page` somewhat. This was a low
> + hanging fruit.
> +
> +`vm_map_coalesce_entry()` is analogous to `vm_map_simplify_entry()` in
> +other versions of Mach, but different enough to warrant a different
> +name. The same "coalesce" wording was used as in
> +`vm_object_coalesce()`, which is appropriate given that the former is
> +a wrapper for the latter.
> +
> +### The following provides clarifies some inaccuracies in old IRC logs:
> +
> + any request, be it e.g. `mmap()`, or `mprotect()`, can easily split
> + entries
> +
> +`mmap ()` cannot split entries to my knowledge, unless we're talking about
> +`MAP_FIXED` and unampping parts of the existing mappings.
> +
> + my ext2fs has ~6500 entries, but I guess this is related to
> + mapping blocks from the filesystem, right?
> +
> +No. Neither libdiskfs nor ext2fs ever map the store contents into memory
> +(arguably maybe they should); they just read them with `store_read ()`,
> +and then dispose of the the read buffers properly. The excessive number
> +of VM map entries, as far as I can see, is just heap memory.
> +
> + (I'm perplexed about how the kernel can merge two memory objects if
> + disctinct port names exist in the tasks' name space -- that's what
> + `mem_obj` is, right?)
> +
> + if, say, 584 and 585 above are port names which the task expects to be
> + able to access and do stuff with, what will happen to them when the
> + memory objects are merged?
> +
> +`mem_obj` in `vminfo` output is the VM object *name* port, not the
> +pager port (arguably `vminfo` should name it something other than
> +`mem_obj`). The name port is basically useful for seeing if two VM
> +regions have the exact same VM object mapped, and not much
> +else. Previously, it was also possible, as a GNU Mach extension, to
> +pass the name port into `vm_map ()`, but this was dropped for security
> +reasons. When Mach is built with `MACH_VM_DEBUG`, a name port can also
> +be used to query information about a VM object.
> +
> +Mach can't merge two memory objects. Mach doesn't merge *memory objects*
> +at all, it only merges/coalesces *VM objects*. The difference is subtle,
> +but important in certain contexts like this one: a "VM object" refers to
> +Mach's internal representation (`struct vm_object`), and a "memory object"
> +refers to the memory manager's implementation. There is normally a
> +1-to-1 correspondence between the two, but this is not always the case:
> +internal VM objects start without a memory object (pager) port at all,
> +and only get one created if/when they're paged out. There can be
> +multiple VM objects referencing the same backing memory object due to
> +copying and shadowing.
> +
> +So what Mach could do is merge the internal VM objects, by altering
> +page offsets to paste pages of one of the objects after the pager of
> +the other. But this is not implemented yet. What Mach actually does is
> +it avoids creating those internal VM objects and entries in the first
> +place, instead extending an already existing VM object and entry to
> +cover the new mapping.
> +
> + but at least, if two `vm_objects` are created but reference the same
> + externel memory object, the vm should be able to merge them back
> +
> +That never ever happens. There can only be a single `vm_object` for a
> +memory object. (In a single instance of Mach, that is -- if multiple
> +Machs access the same memory object over network-transparent IPC, each
> +is going to have its own `vm_object` representing the memory object.)
> +
> +See `vm_object_enter()` function, which looks up an existing VM object for
> +a memory object, and creates one if it doesn't yet exist.
> +
> + ok so if I get it right, the entries shown by `vmstat` are the
> + `vm_object`, and the mem_obj listed is a send right to the memory
> + object they're referencing ?
> +
> + yes
> +
> +No. The entries shown are VM map entries (`struct vm_map_entry`). There
> +can be entries that reference no VM object at all (`VM_OBJECT_NULL`), or
> +multiple entries that reference the same VM object. In fact this is
> +visible in the example above, the two entries mapped at `0x1311000` and at
> +`0x1314000` reference the same VM object, whose name port is 586.
> +
> +`mem_obj` listed is a send right to the *name* port of the VM object, not
> +to the memory object. Letting a task get the memory object port would be
> +disastrous for security (see the "No read-only mappings" vulnerability).
> +
> + i'm not sure about the type of the integer showed (port name or simply
> + an index)
> +
> +It is a port name (in vminfo's IPC name space) of the VM object name
> +port.
> +
> + if every `vm_allocate` request implies the creation of a memory object
> + from the default pager
> +
> +Not immediately, no. Only if the memory has to be paged out. Otherwise
> +an internal VM object is created without a memory object.
> +
> + and a `vm_object` is not a capability, but just an internal kernel
> + structure used to record the composition of the address space
> +
> +It is a kernel structure, but it also is a capability in the same way as
> +a task or a thread is a capability -- it is exposed as a port.
> +Specifically, a `memory_object_control_t` port is directly converted to a
> +`struct vm_object` by MIG. This would perhaps be clearer if
> +`memory_object_control_t` was instead named `vm_object_t`. The VM object
> +name port is also converted to a VM object, but this is only used in the
> +
> + i wonder when `vm_map_enter()` gets null objects though :/
> +
> +Whenever you do `vm_map ()` with `MACH_PORT_NULL` for the object, or on
> +`vm_allocate ()` which is a shortcut for the same.
> +
> + the default pager backs `vm_objects` providing zero filled memory
> +
> +If that was the case, there would not be a need for a pager, Mach could
> +just hand out zero-filled pages. The anonymous mappings do start out
> +zero-filled, that is true. The default pager gets involved when the
> +pages are dirtied (so they no longer zero-filled) and there's memory
> +shortage so the pages have to paged out.
> +
> # IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-07-20
> -- 
> 2.40.1

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