On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 10:14 PM <jbra...@dismail.de> wrote:
> I'd be happy to buy a sourcehut account for it for a year.
> I'd also be happy to create a website for it and host it for a year.
> We should make this email (perhaps reword it) as the website's first
> blog post.
> Software with which we can build a static site (that runs on the hurd):
> ikiwiki
> Emacs org-mode (I vote this one)
> guile's Haunt  (I am having a hard time installing this on Debian
>                  GNU/Hurd).

Yay :)

FWIW, I love how the Guile website looks, but that clearly has more to
do with the styling than with the choice of a backend framework.

As for {Git,packages} repos, I just learned that Gitea 1.20 has
built-in support for Alpine package registries [0][1], which is pretty
neat. If we could work out how to hook this up to a CI pipeline that
would build and publish packages (and that shouldn't be hard), this
would be perfect for us.

[0]: https://docs.gitea.com/next/usage/packages/packages/alpine (this
page says 1.20 is unreleased for some reason, but 1.20 has been
released back in July, and 1.21.4 is the current release)
[1]: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/23714

So, what do you think, would you (or anyone else reading this) be able
to host a Gitea instance for this project? Hosting it on a Hurd system
would be cool, but not a requirement — we can do one thing at a time.

Any more naming ideas?


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