>    I hope 2022 is already up to a good start over there. I am doing
   >    some research and I noticed certain TLDs such as .art and .eth are
   >    not resolving properly from the whois command, are such domains on
   >    the map to be supported?
   > They are supported, but the TLD list needs updating.  Would you like
   > to contribut such a patch?  whois/tld_serv_list contains all the TLD
   > mappings.

   Instead of maintaining a list of WHOIS servers which can easily get
   outdated, one could maybe whois query whois.iana.org to know where
   to go next:

A script that could do that would be useful, would you like to give it
a try?  Would there be any issues with terms of service or such?

I doubt we would want to run it very often, but just before release
would make sense.

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