On Thursday 26 January 2006 01.38, Paul Scott wrote:
> When running a very recent CVS version (2.7.28)  flats are remembered
> and canceled in the next bar - a sharp on that pitch shows up as a
> natural with a sharp.
> I haven't run the very latest CVS because I am getting some small build
> errors that I am not yet sure about.  They may only be in the
> documentation files.


This is not a full lilypond input (the line \include "../common21a.ly" stops 
compilation). However, I suspect the problem is the same as the known bug
auto-accidental-barnumber.ly in the bug CVS repository. If it is not the same 
problem, can you please sending a working & minimal example?

Erik Sandberg
Maintainer of the Lilypond bug CVS archive,

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