On 5/12/06, karim haddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know if it is a bug feature or the problem of overriding many
things ?
But i encounter theses features using the very good and practical
multiple tuplets by Trevor :

1- sometimes (and i don;t seem to know why ?) brackets are  overlapping
        c.f mesure 2, 5 and 9

Hi Karim,

Maybe tweaking the 'staff-padding and 'padding settings for
TupletBracket can help? Like this:

    %%%%%%% these two overrides work together %%%%%%%%%%%
    \override TupletBracket #'staff-padding = #1.5
    \override TupletBracket #'padding = #2

This combination cleans up all the overlaps except the 3:2 in measures
5 and 9; see answer to next question.

2- sometimes like above , brackets simply are not displayed like here
in this example , mesure 5 the first 3/2 tuplet.

These brackets aren't showing up because Lily decides there's no room
to display them. The solution is to create more room. Probably the
easiest way to create more room is to insert manual \break commands.
I've put just two \break commands in your input; the 3:2 brackets now
have room to print.

See attached.

        i tried a3 paper, and landscape with nearly same results.
        standard noteheads, etc ....

        i am joining the code and pict

        THanx again.
        (will soon feedback on my musical work typeseted by super lily...)

Unrelated question: are you using the diamond noteheads because you
like the diamonds, or because you want the stems to align at the exact
*center* of the notehead (like in Xenakis)?

Trevor Bača

Attachment: karim.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: debug.ly
Description: Binary data

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