-Eluze wrote Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:29 PM

i just had the a cross experience with this code:

  \context Voice = "melody" { c'}
\context Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \lyricmode { \set stanza=#"1." hi }
resulting in errors:

 Fehler: Grob-Name sollte alphanumerisch sein
  \context Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \lyricmode { \set

stanza=#"1." hi }

 Fehler: syntax error, unexpected UNSIGNED, expecting '='
  \context Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \lyricmode { \set stanza=#"

1." hi }

it's easy to fix the code ( just adding a blank or a tab after "stanza" )
but actually i think Lilypond should handle this, shouldn't it?!

Not in lyricmode.  Although this particular circumstance
is not mentioned in the docs, section 2.1.2 of the Notation
Reference, under Lyrics explained, says that spaces are
needed in lyricmode before a terminating "}" and around
the elements of property commands.  That section also
explains why this is.


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