Neil Puttock wrote Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:21 PM

2009/8/25 Trevor Daniels <>:

I'd forgotten that news item, but the extra space seems to be
too large. I've checked the scores of three publishers and all
of them position a single note in a bar close to the left bar
line. One of the LilyPond examples I showed positioned the
note almost in the centre of the measure - surely that cannot
be correct.

Hmm, with current git, the first 1/4 bar is even worse: the crotchet is positioned in the last third of the bar's width; furthermore, it's not possible to correct this by overriding 'full-measure-extra-space
unless you use negative values.

The default value for 'full-measure-spacing-width appears to
be just the default value for the distance property of a Spring
object, which is 1, so setting 'full-measure-extra-space to -1
effectively sets the space added to all but the first bar to 0.
This looks like it might be a solution to Werner's original
problem, and it also gives a means for reducing the extra
space when bars are seriously stretched.

I'll explore it a little more.

Furthermore, the positioning in the first measure of every line is different to the rest of the measures on the line. The first bar is correct, I believe, but surely the positioning should be consistent.

Yes, I've noticed that before; I'm not sure whether that is by design though.

Looking in, it appears that the criterion for the extra space is that the paper column to the left of the SpacingSpanner has a break status of CENTER, which explains why the first bar in each
system doesn't get any extra space.

OK, thanks for the explanation.  There doesn't seem to be
anything we can do about this (other than changing the code).


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